Tuesday 26 March 2013

Facebook Displays of Affection: A Rant

Please note: I loathe public displays of affection in their entirety however sloppy lovey-dovey ness drowning my newsfeed really grinds my gears hence the omission of 'public' and the replacement of 'Facebook'.

I have a boyfriend, believe it or not, and I do love him...I think (Josh if you're reading this the 'I think' is for effect only). Despite this, I have yet to feel the need to make my declaration of love so public. Many of us would like to rub our relationship in other people's faces, our exes, the girls that got their first kisses years before us. There are, however,discreet ways of doing so, I feel the simple 'in a relationship' status gives a pretty clear indication.
Look at me, I'm kissing someone, we just had a lovely day out, he paid for dinner, somebody cares about me and they want to see me naked, look at this absolutely hilarious snap of us together, we happen to be in bed, oh and he's topless, we probably just had sex, bet you didn't have sex last night like me...PISS OFF.
I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend and yes, there are a variety of pictures of us as a couple but not one of them features us in bed together. But I strongly recall seeing a shed load of "bedtime" pictures on my news feed lately....

Facebook is fast becoming a tool for employers to seek out the perfect employee, a fuzzy iPhone picture of you and your significant other doing something outrageously unfunny in bed is not appropriate in the slightest. Nor are pictures of you snogging each others faces off..bleurgh.

Sorry ladies, but I have to admit that it seems to be primarily females who are suspect. Admittedly it is ashamedly amusing to see couples arguing over Facebook and airing their dirty laundry, it's like a live feed of Jeremy Kyle (un-necessary seeing as there seem to be repeats on tv hourly every day).

We all love to have a bitch about other people's relationships but don't make yours the hot topic by posting a status asking if anybody would like to buy the present you bought your boyfriend for Christmas off of you as he no longer deserves it (yes, true story). Even worse, don't then follow-up that status two days later with a slushy 'love ya babe had the best Xmas ever together forever babe...babe babe babe'. At least let singletons bask in the glory of knowing that relationships can be pretty crap sometimes.

And finally, the worst offenders, couples who insist on having full-blown conversations via wall posts. Last time I checked, most of our generation owned mobile phones, and I would hope that most couples had each other phone numbers.

 So why does anyone feel the need to post a private conversation for all to see..and critique. I've been in a relationship for five years (a long time, I know, everybody's told me, and it's scary) yet there's has only been two possibly three instances that I have spoken to my boyfriend over Facebook and all of those have been because either of our phone batteries have died. That is the only acceptable excuse *
(*I would just like to state that I probably have been found guilty of some of the above early on in my relationship however I WAS FOURTEEN therefore I didn't know any better)

Guys and girls, being in love is great and I'm really glad that people are in happy loving relationships but have a heart for all the singletons out there, and those like me who squirm at the sight of lovey-dovey ness. A relationship is between two people (usually...) so keep it private!
Rant over.

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